A collection of our latest videos, webinars, podcasts, and more.
Motivation and Techniques in Healthcare Cyber Attacks
SecureWorld Healthcare
In this on-demand webinar, Dvir Sasson, Director of Security Research at Reco uncovers the motivations and techniques of threat actors targeting organizations. Learn why healthcare is a prime target, how threat actors operate, and best practices to protect patient data.
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Zero Trust and SaaS Security: Why Total Context Matters
Cloud Security Alliance
In this on-demand webinar, Ofer Klein, CEO and Co-founder of Reco, and Dr. Chase Cunningham, VP of Security Market Research at G2 and Zero Trust expert provide guidance on how to secure SaaS applications within a Zero Trust strategy, and measuring success.
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Why 2024 Will Become The Year Of SaaS Security
Cloud Security Alliance
In this on-demand webinar, Reco joins the Cloud Security Alliance to discuss all things SaaS security. Learn from our panel of experts how to secure your cloud attack surface and resolve SaaS security posture management misconfigurations with AI tools, and why 2024 will be the year of SaaS security.
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Why SaaS Security Is No Longer an Option
What’s Up in Tech?
In this video interview, Ofer Klein, CEO & Co-founder of Reco, sat down with Evan Kirstel, Chief Digital Evangelist of eViRa Heal to discuss the cybersecurity landscape, the explosion in adoption of SaaS applications, and why SaaS security is no longer an option.
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Hacking the SaaS Security Journey
CISO Series
Getting started on your SaaS security journey means understanding what you actually have in your environment. Many organizations have estimates, but Ofer Klein, co-founder and CEO at Reco, is still surprised at the sheer number of apps and connections that go unaccounted for in a new customer. Watch the on-demand webinar, Hacking the SaaS Security Journey: how to secure your SaaS applications in a holistic way.
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Additional SaaS Security Content from Reco

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