Secure Your Organization's Highly Privileged Employee Information in Workday

Continuously monitor your business-critical human resources and financial management data in Workday for misconfigurations and vulnerabilities. Stop external and internal threats from accessing your organization's highly privileged information without disrupting use of the platform With Reco, you can answer key questions such as whether your organization has safe defaults for Workday applications and new users.
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Get a Complete View of your Workday Environment

Manage user access as your Workday instance scales. Your Workday admins and Security teams alike can understand who has access to what, why and their behavior with confidence.

Identify Internal and External Threats in Workday

Identify and resolve potential threats to Workday quickly. Reco detects anonymous activity from users across applications and identities and provides security teams with recommendations to mitigate risk. With many third-party integrations into various tools, Reco helps protect threats to Workday no matter where they originate.

Mitigate Risk from Over-Privileged Users & Misconfigurations

Address any weaknesses and thwart potential data leaks with regular audits and reviews of configurations of Workday. From modifications and third-party integrations to user roles, each aspect of Workday is customizable and requires continuous monitoring.

Use Context to Mitigate Risk

Be the first to know of an exfiltration attempt to your Workday instance. Our one-click policies detect emerging SaaS threats in real-time including identifying hidden malicious content, warning when files are shared outside your organization, and excessive downloads.

Start Securing Your Entire SaaS Lifecycle

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