Improve Your SaaS Security Posture

Ensure the configuration of your SaaS ecosystem is secure and compliant. With Reco, you can improve your security coverage and lower your risk, while saving time and reducing costs.

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Posture Management & Continuous Compliance

Discover SaaS Security Posture

Gain instant visibility into the current security posture of your SaaS applications by setting baseline configurations. Reco continuously evaluates your security posture for gaps in near real-time.

Prevent Configuration Drifts

Assess posture across security controls continuously with hundreds of one-click checks that score alignment of your critical SaaS apps against recommended security configurations. Monitor for configuration drifts.

Prepare for an IT Audit

Be prepared for an IT audit by tracking changes in configuration settings. No need to rely on inefficient manual checks or expensive assessments. Reco monitors for misconfigurations continuously.

Ensure Continuous Compliance

Maintain compliance by continuously checking your SaaS security posture against industry best practices and frameworks including SOC 2, ISO 27001, CIS, NIST CSF, NIST 800-53, PCI, HIPAA, HITRUST, and more.


Misconfiguration Management, Automated

Identify configuration drift that can creep into SaaS apps over time and reintroduce risk. With Reco, you’ll know when security controls are not working, and can take action with hundreds of one-click posture checks. Easily report to your executive team on posture scores and implement a program for continuous improvement.

Reco Continuously Monitors for Configuration Drifts

Near real-time

detection of drifts


posture checks

10 FTE

hours saved/week


lower security risk

Misconfigured SaaS Apps Are a Leading Cause of SaaS Data Breaches

CISO Guide for financial services

Strategies for Financial Institutions to Build a SaaS Security Program

Download the guide

Organizations Worldwide Trust Reco to Discover & Resolve Misconfigurations

Reco's SSPM has strengthened our security approach in SaaS. The Reco posture dashboard provided a seamless experience, enabling us to clearly understand where our posture gaps are. This intuitive platform not only highlighted misconfigurations but also offered straightforward steps for resolution, saving us invaluable time in the process.

Tomer Stenzler

Director of Cyber Security