Compare Top SSPM Solutions

In this Guide you will learn key differences between top SSPM & SaaS Security vendor solutions from:

✔️ Reco
✔️ AppOmni
✔️ Obsidian Security
✔️ Crowdstrike Shield
✔️ Grip Security

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You know you need to invest in SaaS security, and there's no shortage of potential vendors. Many vendors offer SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM), but what about shadow applications that you're unaware of? Not every vendor offers shadow app discovery.

Furthermore, SSPM is great for reducing risk, but it won't help you identify and stop live attacks. You need User Behavior Analytics and ITDR if you're going to mitigate threats in real time.

This Guide will help you answer questions like:
• What features do top SSPM vendors offer?
• Why are these features important?
• Which vendor offers the most coverage for my SaaS apps?

Download the FREE Guide to compare SSPM solutions today.